Registering and posting at

eröffnet von NoelGallagher am 01.05.2007 16:49 Uhr
4 Kommentare - zuletzt von NoelGallagher

01.05.2007 16:49Supporter

Registering at

Unfortunately our registration form is not available in English. Here's a quick guide about how to register for the forum as only registered may take part in our discussions.

1. Go to
2. In the upper right part click the two arrows next to "Da bin ich dabei".
3. Fill in the form
3.1 Benutzername: your desired nickname
3.2 email: your mail address obviously

These two are mandatory while the following are voluntary.

3.3 Wohnort: where you're from
3.4 Campingplatz: where you usually camp at RaR
3.5 Wie oft warst du schon bei RaR?: How often you have been at RaR
3.6 Momentane Lieblingsplatten: Records currently kicking your ass
3.7 Website: your personal website, your favourite website, whatever
3.8 ICQ: your ICQ number
3.9 Signatur: your signature in the forum.
3.10 eMail Adresse in Foren etc anzeigen?: show your email address publicly in the forum. Default setting is no.
3.11 Ja, ich möchte den Newsletter erhalten!: Leave the check mark to receive newsletters from

You may change your profile anytime except for your nickname. To do so go to "Dein Profil" in the upper right corner next to your nickname.

Hit "ringrocker werden" to submit the form. You will receive a confirmation mail afterwards. Use the link to verify your mail address and you've successfully become a member of

You can log in to by putting your nickname and password in the boxes in the very right upper corner. You'll automatically remain logged in with a cookie unless you hit Logout. Have fun in the forum. Smiley

01.05.2007 17:07Supporter

Posting at

1. Opening Threads

"Neues Thema erstellen >>"

Please choose a meaningful name for your thread and put it in the box next to "Betreff".

"HTML in dieser Nachricht ausschalten" - deactivates HTML in your answer
"Signatur anzeigen" - show your signature under your answer
"Per Email bei einer Antwort benachrichtigen" - receive a notification through email with every answer given to your thread.

"Abschicken" - open the thread

Apart from that just use some common sense regarding forum rules and you'll be fine.

2. Answering

"Antworten" - reply
"Zitieren" - quote the post above
"Editieren" - edit your post

2.1 Options when answering:

"fett" - bold
"kursiv" - cursive, italic
"link" - insert a weblink
"bild" - insert a picture from the web
"mp3" - insert a link to an mp3 file from the web
"smilies" - self-explanatory

"HTML in dieser Nachricht ausschalten" - as above
"Signatur anzeigen" - as above

"Abschicken" - send your answer

2.2 Options when editing your post:

"Diese Nachricht löschen" - deletes your answer
"Hinweis anzeigen, dass dieser Eintrag editiert wurde" - a note will be added to your answer indicating that your answer has been edited
"HTML in dieser Nachricht ausschalten" - as above

01.05.2007 17:53Supporter

The other subforums

Rock am Ring 2007

Das Rock am Ring Board - General discussion about RaR

Rock am Ring FAQ's - Questions and answers about RaR

Line-Up - Discussions about the current lineup

Gerüchteküche - Our rumours section

Ex-Gerüchteküche - Former rumours. Bands in here will definitely not play at RaR

Wunschfabrik - Post your wishes and discuss about the bands

Ringrocker Wanted - Met someone at RaR and forgot the number?

Musik & Konzerte

CDs & DVDs - Discussions about upcoming records and dvds

Konzerte - Discussions about tours and gigs

Festivals - Discussions about festivals apart from RaR

Musik - General discussion about music

Proberaum - Translates as rehearsal room. The place for discussions about our annual competition for a slot at RaR and the bands involved - Discussions about this site


Aktuelles Zeitgeschehen - Discussions about events of the day, politics, sports etc.

Off-Topic Area - The name says it all. The place for ANYTHING else. Enter at your own risk.

Das Dixiklo - Translates as portaloo. Members who severely violated our rules will be put here to cool down. Members in here are not allowed to post in the forum except for the dixiklo. Originally meant to be a fun feature it is now used as a means of punishment...and just for fun...sometimes.


Gerüchteküche 2002 - 2006 - Archived discussion about rumours of former festivals

Line-Up 2002 - 2006 - Archived discussions about former lineups

01.05.2007 18:36Supporter

Very important threads (sort of)

Neu bei ringrocker? - Say hello to the other ringrockers in here. A must do for every new member.

Gerüchtesammelthread - You heard a rumour? You know someone in a band who told you they'll play at RaR? Some guy on the streets told you a certain band will play at RaR? Go ahead and tell us.

Welche Band spielt an welchem Tag? - You found a specific date and/or time for a band already confirmed for RaR? Please post it here.

Spitzen-Lineup - Wow, this year's lineup rules. Praise the lineup in here.

Sch*** Lineup - Boy, this year's lineup stinks. Bitch about the lineup in here.

Setlisten 2007 - Post former or current setlists of the confirmed bands and discuss them.

Übersicht Bestätigungen - The whole lineup at a glance. Now with links to the band's discussions m/_

Wunschfabrik - Got a wishlist for RaR? Too afraid to open a thread for a band you would love to see at RaR? Post them in here.

Langweilig - Translates as boring. Got nothing to do but you feel like posting? Do it in here. The longest thread in ringrocker history. Legendary indeed.

Ringrocker-Foto-Fred - ringrocker's own picture-o-rama. Post pictures of yourself in here.

Tippe deinen Nick mit dem Ellenbogen - Type your nickname with your elbow. Nuff said. Just do it.

Die Rumpöbelecke - Rant about just anything in here.

Lustiges im Internet - Post your funny links and stuff in here.

Now playing - Boost your posting numbers and tell us what you're listening to right now.

Wortassoziationsfred - Associate your thoughts to the word posted above you. Might be difficult for a non German but it's another way to crank up your posting numbers to epical proportions.

Fußball Allgemein - Our roundtable for discussions about football. Discuss your hatred for Bayern Munich in here Smiley
