Underworld - Barbara Barbara, We Face A Shining Future

Underworld Forum: Diskussion zum Album Barbara Barbara, We Face A Shining Future

eröffnet von roxar am 14.03.2016 13:49 Uhr
1 Kommentar - zuletzt von roxar

concertfreak und weitere Nutzer sprechen darüber

14.03.2016 13:49

Underworld have emerged from a period of looking back – they celebrated the 20th birthday of their classic debut Dubnobasswithmyheadman by touring it – and decided to focus on the path ahead.

Underworld: ‘It doesn’t matter where music comes from – it’s how it connects’
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As its title suggests, the dance duo’s seventh studio album is a forward-thinking affair, referencing things such as “celestial techno” and “South American acoustics”.

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Via Guardian

Das Album erscheint am 18.3.
Einen Albumstream gibts bereits auf der Guardian Seite.
