Aggie Tradition

eröffnet von TexasAggie am 23.03.2005 06:40 Uhr
6 Kommentare - zuletzt von TexasAggie

23.03.2005 06:40

So I will share with you guys some of my culture, because I am learning so much about German stuff here. Smiley

One of these events is when Aggies get their "Senior Ring." When we reach 95 Kurs-Stunde in Uni we are called "Senior" or 4th year. When this happens we go through this big process and pay like $600 to get our Uni ring.

This may seem strange to Germans who are maybe not as loyal to their Uni, but at my Uni and many in America, we are very loyal to our Uni.

Once you get your Senior Ring:

You then are expected to go drop your ring in a pitcher of beer .. your ring sits at the bottom and you must drink the entire pitcher as fast as you can without stopping to get your ring, this is called "Ring Dunking."

Here is a movie of "Ring Dunking."

Any time of around 20 seconds is pretty good time. We keep score amongst friends Smiley


23.03.2005 08:44

Thanks Aggie, that´s great... i thing i´m going to intruduce mit friends to this kind of tradition !! ^^

(i hope the new flag in my signature is not so offensive like the old one) ...[addsig]

02.04.2005 10:39

Yes Lis, girls do that too, often WITH their Fathers!

The Father comes and is so proud that their little girl gets their ring and puts his ring from the Uni in a pitcher and they both do it.

Before 1970 no women went to this Uni, as it was all men and all military, so only dads have rings, but soon many moms will too.

As for me, I rarely drink beer, I drank much vodka and 75.5% rum tonight.
