Howdy from Texas!

Festival Forum: Diskussion zu Rock am Ring 2005 (u.a. mit Green Day, Iron Maiden, R.E.M.)

eröffnet von TexasAggie am 02.03.2005 07:56 Uhr
42 Kommentare - zuletzt von ieifert

jonnyy111 und weitere Nutzer sprechen darüber

02.03.2005 07:56

Ich kann nur ein bisschen Deutsch schreiben aber werde Ich versuchen.

Hallo! Ich werde in diesem Sommer fuer eine Studie im Ausland Reise nach Deutschland kommen. Ich werde in Bonn wohnen 21. Mai bis 26. Juni, um Germanistik zu studieren.

Während ich dort bin, plane ich mich zu kümmern "Rock am Ring." Ich hörte über dieses Konzert im letzten Jahr, weil Bad Religion (mein Lieblingsband) daran spielte, und seitdem ich dabei war, in Deutschland zu sein, Ich es nicht verpassen würde.

Ich dachte, dass da ich naher von Eifel in Bonn sein werde, sollte das für mich leicht sein hierher zu kommen. Jetzt sind alles, was ich tun muss, Fund, wo ich zeltenden Sachen in Deutschland kaufen werde.

Hallo wieder, und tun irgendwelcher von Ihnen hat irgendwelche Vorschläge für einen Ausländer?

02.03.2005 08:02

Also of course if you wish to respond in English it would make it easier for me to understand, however I will do my best to understand German responses. It took me a long time to make that post Smiley

Ich studiere an der Universitaet Texas A&M, in College Station, Texas. Mein Hauptfach ist Elektrotechnik und meine Nebenfaecher sind Germanistik und Mathematik. Smiley

In case you were wondering.

02.03.2005 08:15

Auch, was ist das Unterschied zwischen Rock am Ring und Rock im Park?

I verstehe dass, RAR ist in Eifel und RIP is in Nuernberg? ja? Aber das ganze Band-Spiel an beiden Konzerten? Das ist das, was ich nicht verstehe.

02.03.2005 08:22

Hi Aggie, what do you exactly need to know? Where u can get tents and stuff? I'm sure u can buy it somewhere in Bonn, or otherwise there might be someone in ur class (are u takin uni-courses?) u can hire stuff of...!?
u might actually also find people who are goin as well, or u can catch a train down.... there'll be heaps of peolpe goin down these days...! i'd give u a lift but jst comin back to germany i wont have a car so might need a lift myself! Smiley
just in case you're wondering - I'm in NewZealand till the end of may.... and if u got some time meet me in our chatroom Smiley

02.03.2005 08:33


rock im park findet in nürnberg statt-

die meisten bands spielen bei Rock am Ring und Rock im Park. nur paar wenige bands spielen eins der beiden festivals, wie zum Beispiel die Söhne Mannheims, eien deutsche Band.

the most bands play both festivals. but tehre are some bands that play just one festival like the "Söhne Mannheims" a german band.

you can comapre the lineups on the official websites.

02.03.2005 08:35


TexasAggie schrieb:

Hallo wieder, und tun irgendwelcher von Ihnen hat irgendwelche Vorschläge für einen Ausländer?

say "du" (nicht "Sie") to us.

... hat jemand von euch vorschläge...

02.03.2005 08:39

Thanks .. I use "sie" because erm .. we are taught to in gymnasium and uni .. unless asked not to. We are taught old fashioned german tradition in america.

02.03.2005 08:50

Hi Aggie Smiley

Don´t worry, usually the "sie " is correct and not oldfashioned. But this is a ringrocker-community, therefore no "sie" necesarry, just more or less young people Smiley

02.03.2005 09:42

Well Rebecca answered most of my questions, and it is still a long time until the concert.

Davor welches Datum sollte man Karten kaufen?

I need to figure out how Im going to get tickets over to america .. I looked at$222463

But I dont think that website will allow me to send tickets to america. But then again the website has a lot of german that I cant read Smiley

I also thank everyone that posted in English Smiley I will keep working on my German for everyone, maybe if people live near Bonn I can party with you hehe.

I will visit more later it is time to sleep.

02.03.2005 11:21

You don't have to prebuy your tickets. Just buy them as soon as you are in Germany. The Festival hasn't been sold out in the last 5 years. An because of the Southside/Hurricane Festivals just one week after RAR it won't be sold out this year.

Just visit a ticketshop in Bonn when you are there. you also save the mailing costs.

You surly won't be the only american at RAR. A lot of military members visit the festival, too.

02.03.2005 11:58AdminSupporter

hey there, I live in Bonn... if there is anything you need - feel free to contact me... there are several good places in Bonn to get everything you need for camping... I'll show them to you... we also got a music shop here where the Originaltickets (not the computer print outs) are sold... it should not be a problem to get one from there by the end of may...
so, talk to you later okay? take care Smiley

02.03.2005 12:04

you can buy the ticket in bonn

Bonn Mister Music Maximilianstr. 24 53111
Bonn Theater-und Konzertkasse im Kaufhof Bonn Remigiusstr.20-24 53111

02.03.2005 22:51

Ah thank both of you.

I did not know that this concert would not be sold out. In America it would sell out in maybe 2 or 3 days most likely.

I went to a George Strait (country) concert in Texas Stadium (80.000 seats) and it sold out in 8 minutes.

I will just wait until I get to Bonn then to worry about all of this. However I am happy to be talking to Germans and gaining contacts over in Europe, I want to have a very fun summer.

03.03.2005 05:03


Ich plante bei der Ankunft zum Konzert am Freitag, wie ich einen Tag von Klassen werde auslassen müssen, ist es eine schlechte Idee, das spät zu kommen? Ich sehe viele Menschen sagen, dass sie am Mittwoch oder am Donnerstag ankommen werden.


I suppose that will depend on who I meet between now and when I go to the concert and stuff anyhow. But advise away anyhow.

03.03.2005 09:30AdminSupporter

I fyou get there by friday, you'll possibly won't get a good place for your tent. If you're lucky you'll find one. But since you'll live in Bonn, I'd advise you to drive up to the ring like wednesday or thursday, build up your tent and get back later on friday. That's how we do it every year Smiley

03.03.2005 09:54Supporter

Hi Aggie,

it´s enough when u buy your ticket if u are in Germany. my friend has bought his ticket last year on thursday, one day befor the concert. it´s no problem, because the Nürburgring is big enough and it wouldn´t be sold out.
the things u need for camping, can u buy in bonn. its only a teen, a sleepingbag (heisst das so ???) something to eat and beer Smiley.
i´ll be sure, that some students from bonn go to rock am ring too. perhaps u can travel with this guys to rock am ring if u don´t have an own car.
or u ask some Smiley

i hope, u will understand my english.
so, my german is better Smiley Smiley

03.03.2005 10:27Supporter


FBG schrieb:
Hi Aggie,

the things u need for camping, u can buy in bonn. its only a teen, a sleepingbag (heisst das so ???) something to eat and beer Smiley.

Having a teen around is always very helpful but for camping I´d still recommend a tent Smiley

[addsig]"U2 are not gonna play Rock Am Ring without Ringrocker having a dancing banana. No Way"

04.03.2005 13:26

A good place to buy a cheap but good tent are the big Discounter in Germany like ALDI or LIDL.

They offer every year in the early Summer a lot of campingstuff like tents, chairs and sleeping pads. But the offer is only availabel for a week or two. So you have to check their Websites, if you are already in Germany.


07.03.2005 06:33

Okay, so I have had a few more days to come up with questions, since everyone has been so nice to answer my questions, in English even Smiley

-Is it realistic for me to want to go to RAR and Hurricane on consecutive weekends? I have the time, I certainly have the money, as I am spending like $6000 to come to Geramny in the first place, who cares about another few hundred.

How much should I budget in for incidential expenses? I mean like water, food, beer, liquor, t-shirt.

(BTW I love the Ringrocker T-Shirts they are funny, I might get one for my german classes, see what they think.)

Anyhow, also I have decided that I will most likely be able to leave Bonn on Thursday evening. Hopefully I can find a way to get down there, Im not sure if any of my classmates at AIB will want to come, I only really want one to come anyhow . Regardless, I know Friday is too late to come, and Im not sure that I can make the round trip Wednesday night, how would you do that anyways? I mean do you claim your camping site then set up your tent and leave it? In america it would get stolen! Do you stay with it? Im confused.

However if people were going down to claim camping places early in the week, I might be able to go down then, as long as I made it back to Bonn in time for classes the next day .. Smiley

Thanks again for all the help, you are all such nice people, Americans if I asked the same on an internet forum would not be so nice, especially if I was asking in a foreign language, like German.

07.03.2005 07:17Supporter

if you have time & money, u can go to both festivals, sure. perhaps, its a little "anstrengend" but u will see 50 fucking great bands in one week !

RaR will cost u ca. 200 - 250 €. ok, it can be more, if u drink a lot Smiley

with the ringrocker-shirt, i think it isn´t a problem to meet a admin from this site at RaR. so, he/she can bring u a shirt with ...

if the tent will stolen, i can´t say it. sure its possible, but i have never had problems at my both RaR-visits.

07.03.2005 07:25

Hrm .. so you are saying that it will cost me 200 euros .. for RAR huh? Before camping stuff? .. hrm .. I might not have as much money as I thought. That means that RAR will cost me around $265+ .. I will have to see .. I suppose then Hurricane will cost me about $250 as well.

Oh well I will see, thanks for the estimates on the costs. I am quite a cheap guy when need be, but I would prefer not to be.

Im glad that your tent hasnt been stolen either, I will take faith in that then.

And I meant that I intend to order a shirt off this website and wear it over here .. like .. soon. It would be funny to wear around an american Uni. However, I think that the postage might cost as much as the shirt if I want it shipped to America. :/

Edit: Bummer, seems that they wont ship it to America anyways. I have to say that the Zeltficker shirt just is funny as hell, if I came to class with that my german teacher would go Smiley

(angestrend = exhausting, tiring) I will be nice and add the english since yall are so nice adding the german.

07.03.2005 08:14Supporter


so, i say u what RaR will cost me:

105 € for the ticket
40 € for Camping @ Müllenbach
(attention: it´s an other campingplace. At müllenbach you have engery for your music etc. and some bathrooms to wash. if u dont need this, u can camp at the RaR-Campingplace. this is included in the ticket)
20 € for beer at the capmingplace
0 € for foot because this pays my mom Smiley
50 € for beer and foot at the festival
15 € for a RaR-Shirt

it´s not cheap but i have the best days in year at RaR.

your zeltficker-shirt can u order if u are in germany. then u have a german adress and the postage will be some €.
i´am sure, your german teacher will be very surprised Smiley

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