Guy Garvey - Courting The Squall

eröffnet von Stebbard am 16.09.2015 13:28 Uhr
4 Kommentare - zuletzt von Stebbard

16.09.2015 13:28

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Guy Garvey's debut solo album 'Courting the Squall' is released on 30th October.

"elbow graciously gave me some time to write a solo album. I’ve wanted to try for years and I’m really proud of it. ‘Solo’ because I wrote everything but I was far from alone. I invited my favourite players outside of elbow (many of them also my favourite people) and we moved fast, drank a lot and had what can only be described as a massive laugh along the way."
- Guy Garvey

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22.09.2015 10:41

... und ohnehin heißt Ray egtl. Rea.

Und wo wir dabei sind: Auch wenn man es immer wieder hört, Guy wird nicht französisch ausgesprochen.
