Beady Eye

eröffnet von RocknRollStar am 13.11.2009 15:32 Uhr
173 Kommentare - zuletzt von RocknRollStar

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11.11.2010 17:56

Als großer Supergrass-Fan und somit Piano-Liebhaber finde ich die Single auch nicht ohne, glaube aber nicht, dass die typischen Liam-Songs auf Albumlänge funktionieren werden.

16.11.2010 18:09

Lieber komplett

The video shows the band as they will appear on tour with Liam on
vocals, Gem and Andy on guitar, Chris on drums accompanied by Jeff
Wootton on bass and Matt Jones on piano

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17.12.2010 15:11

Endlich hat er mal wieder richtig einen raus

Liam told the NME in a recent interview that "The world is crying out for a great rock 'n' roll band. It has been for ages, man. That's why the time is right for Beady Eye. The time is right now. Even in the last ten years there's been nothing, You know what I mean? And it's not just that, there hasn't been one fucking good band. I'm sick of that attitude. There should be loads of fucking good bands out there, looking smart, making great music, fucking doing it. It's not about one band, there should be a load of them, but were are they?"

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17.12.2010 16:21

RocknRollStar schrieb:
Endlich hat er mal wieder richtig einen raus

Liam told the NME in a recent interview that "The world is crying out for a great rock 'n' roll band. It has been for ages, man. That's why the time is right for Beady Eye. The time is right now. Even in the last ten years there's been nothing, You know what I mean? And it's not just that, there hasn't been one fucking good band. I'm sick of that attitude. There should be loads of fucking good bands out there, looking smart, making great music, fucking doing it. It's not about one band, there should be a load of them, but were are they?"

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in Seattle?

17.12.2010 18:22Supporter

RocknRollStar schrieb:
Endlich hat er mal wieder richtig einen raus

Liam told the NME in a recent interview that "The world is crying out for a great rock 'n' roll band. It has been for ages, man. That's why the time is right for Beady Eye. The time is right now. Even in the last ten years there's been nothing, You know what I mean? And it's not just that, there hasn't been one fucking good band. I'm sick of that attitude. There should be loads of fucking good bands out there, looking smart, making great music, fucking doing it. It's not about one band, there should be a load of them, but were are they?"

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Großartig. Es wäre noch besser, wenn Noel auch noch sein Solo-Album ungefähr zeitgleich herausbringen würde.

21.12.2010 15:19

Will die umbedingt nächstes Jahr sehen. Zum Köln Konzert hab ich keine Zeit, also pro Beady Eye.

Ach ja: Contre GK, lieber direkt Lineup, wenn sie bestätigt werden.[addsig]

08.01.2011 00:18

Liam told the NME in a recent interview that "The world is crying out for a great rock 'n' roll band. It has been for ages, man. That's why the time is right for Beady Eye. The time is right now. Even in the last ten years there's been nothing, You know what I mean? And it's not just that, there hasn't been one fucking good band. I'm sick of that attitude. There should be loads of fucking good bands out there, looking smart, making great music, fucking doing it. It's not about one band, there should be a load of them, but were are they?"

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mhh anscheinend hab ich dann doch ne völlig andere vorstellung wie sich eine "great rock n roll band" anhören sollte

meinetwegen können sie kommen , ich muss sie mir ja nicht angucken
