First Time From Italy!

Festival Forum: Diskussion zu Rock am Ring 2014 (u.a. mit Iron Maiden, Kings of Leon, Linkin Park, Metallica)

eröffnet von duff91 am 30.04.2014 13:42 Uhr
26 Kommentare - zuletzt von duff91

nikroxBob KelsoKreeekrybackIndiecaroRingPenisBury420KreeekHonk850Runnerdoralf321Mephistopheles
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30.04.2014 13:42

hi guys,

sorry for my english, but i'm italian...

for me and my friend is first time to rock am ring, and we need some help...

1) this is the first time I go camping, how it works? you have to dismantle the tent every time you go to the festival?

2) what you feel necessary to bring?

3) you will find something to smoke on the campsite?


Best regards Rocker!

30.04.2014 14:10

duff91 schrieb:
hi guys,

sorry for my english, but i'm italian...

for me and my friend is first time to rock am ring, and we need some help...

1) this is the first time I go camping, how it works? you have to dismantle the tent every time you go to the festival?

2) what you feel necessary to bring?

3) you will find something to smoke on the campsite?


Best regards Rocker!

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hi duff91

1) The camping is included in the festivalticket. When you arrive, you can choose a caming site and put up your tent there. (Those how come first will get the best places ) You won't have to dismantle your tent every time you leave the camping site. But make sure, that you don't leave any valueable things in the tents if you aren't there!

2) Here you find a list of things that one should bring. Unfortunately, it is in German...
The most important things are:
the festival ticket, ID Card, money and/or cash card, your tent & plugs to fix it on the ground, a sleeping bag and sleeping pad or an airbed, a grill & coal and/or a camping stove, dishes and cutlery, food and drinks, camping chairs, torches and/or lights, clothes for hot and sunny weather as well as for cold and rainy weather, sun cream, meds you might need, mobile phone & battery charger, (digital camera), earplugs, maybe a stereo system (and a generator), a rucksack, an umbrella, toilet paper (for the porta loos) and everything you need for a shover.
And if you forget something... just ask your neighbors on the camping site


30.04.2014 14:28

3) yes. There are official vendors for official and legal cigarettes (which one depends in the Sponsor.. PallMall?? I dont know). For everything else the Chances are better on the campgrounds I'd guess

30.04.2014 19:53

thx to all

3) I did not mean cigarettes

ok i arrive in germany with a car of my friend (he works in germany), i think to arrive on tuesday

obliviously i think i forget something

it is recommended to go with the sneakers? or something harder?

P.S.I can bring a true digital? mica have to go home without photos? how the festival, that someone like you has to move in the festival ... I have to take the backpack with drinks and food when I go to see a band?

30.04.2014 23:01

duff91 schrieb:

it is recommended to go with the sneakers? or something harder?

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The right footwear depends on the weather...

duff91 schrieb:
P.S.I can bring a true digital? mica have to go home without photos? how the festival, that someone like you has to move in the festival ... I have to take the backpack with drinks and food when I go to see a band?

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On the festival homepage it says: "Professional sound- and video equipment is prohibited on the festival site." But as far as i know, reflex cameras are prohibited, too. I'm not sure, but i think that small pocket cameras are allowed.
You can buy food and drinks on the festival site. But it is quite expensive. You are allowed to take one originally sealed 1 liter Tetra Pak to the festival site and as much food as you want.

04.05.2014 13:09

And dont forget this. The weather in the eifel has a fearsome reputation. One day its 25 degrees and blue sky, next day it can rain with 8 degrees celcius in the day. So take the right clothes with you, it can make or break your festival. Oh and when you drive, in germany the law is very strickt about driving and using drugs. They use tests that will give positive results even 2 weeks after you used drugs. So be carefull, otherwise it will fuck up your festival.

04.05.2014 13:17

oh thanks, another questions... i see on youtube some video, it is easy to take place under the main stage? I saw that there is a system of traffic lights...

04.05.2014 16:58

Well this is the entrance system which divides the audience on front of the main stage into 3 areas A,B, C. Within the Boxengasse you'll find these traffic lights and they will give you the information if the capacity of the area is enough or not.
Usually you will have to take place in the queue one act before the one you'd like to see. A and B are with a maximum of people but in C you can walk whenever you want.

06.05.2014 13:38

you said that the tent remains where it is, but I can lascisare drinks and food? is not that the return from the iron maiden can not find anything?

I am no longer in the skin

06.05.2014 13:52

I read it twice but still I look kind like this
Why shouldn't find iron maiden anything? They were twice at rock at the ring, hopefully they know how to find the stage.

06.05.2014 16:47

duff91 schrieb:
you said that the tent remains where it is, but I can lascisare drinks and food? is not that the return from the iron maiden can not find anything?

I am no longer in the skin

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Hey, i'm not sure about the word "lascisare". You mean oviously lasciare=leave? You can leave food and drinks in your tent. Please, be aware that you don't leave something worth open. In our first time in 2010 we've been robbed because we were too trustful.

07.05.2014 12:38

Obviously, I will close all, the important thing is that I will find my beers

booked flight for return... but I'm hammering with the video of last year

07.05.2014 12:38

Double, sorry

P.S. i arrive in germany the 1 june, when i can go to take a place for the tent?

07.05.2014 15:10

oh i think then youve got a problem.. because the camping site will open on the 3rd / 4th of june..

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