
Refused Forum: Diskussionen zu Refused

eröffnet von DerHacki am 18.12.2006 15:47 Uhr
39 Kommentare - zuletzt von Aschbacheronkel

PastorOfMuppets und weitere Nutzer sprechen darüber

39 Kommentare
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28.03.2010 10:14

Ich weiß immer noch nicht, was ich davon halten soll. Bei der Twitter Meldung, die da oben als Quelle angegeben wurde, steht zum Beispiel aktuell:

"Refused Are Coming"!!!??... I'm sorry but that is playing on peoples hopes. Oh well, apologies for the false alarm.

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Auf deren Homepage steht zudem auch nicht. Homepage

Aber NME und co. berichten ja was anderes ... hm naja mal schauen [addsig]

28.03.2010 10:18

ThePRP vermutet, dass es sich nur um ein Reissue von "The Shape Of Punk To Come" handelt, welches für Mai ansteht...


29.03.2010 22:25

Update: "The Shape of Punk To Come" is getting reissued, No Reunion

Mar. 29, 2010

Looks like more information has come out about the earlier Refused story. Exclaim.Ca has confirmed that Refused's 1998 album The Shape of Punk To Come is set for a deluxe reissue to be released on June 8, 2010 by Epitaph Records. Also, sorry everyone, there will be no reunion. Vocalist Dennis Lyxzen emailed Buddyhead and confirmed the non-togetherness of the band. That statement can be read below.

Yep, no reunion, folks. In a recent email to Buddyhead, Lyxzén wrote: “No, we are not reforming. Me and David are going on tour next week with our new Hard*core band Ac4 — sleeping on kids floors and playing doordeals, that seems to be more in line with what we deserve… haha.”

Quelle: (kommentar ganz unten)

wär auch zu schön gewesen.aber so können sie wenigstens nicht ihren "refused are fucking dead-mythos" zerstören.

30.03.2010 03:33

wenn es eine reunion geben würde wär das natürlich fabelhaft, aber gerade bei refused bzw. dennis, der stets eine so radikale message versucht hat zu verbreiten, würde eine reunion deren letzte glaubwürdigkeit rauben.

von daher freu ich mich einfach bald das beste album aller zeiten endlich als vinyl zu haben

26.10.2012 18:37

Refused GOIN' HOME

So there were those years right after school, when you were 15 and pissed off and everyone thought you were a loser and you ran around with the other weirdos, generating weirdness and little else. And there were those years when what set you apart from the others become a fixation and a lifestyle and you had a band and people talked about what you did but you were so used to being weird you just lumped them in with the rest of the slanderers. Then there were those years when the ideas you'd clung to through late adolescence were beginning to ring hollow and you got more and more confused and destructive and the band broke up and you had rent to pay. That was among the tougher years. And then slowly, over a span of time, you began to sort yourself out and your friends started making sensible decisions in their lives and it suddenly began to seem like most of you were gonna be ok.

And then there was the year when you stopped being a p
etulent kid and you got your favorite musicians together in a room again and decided that you were gonna accept the love of thousands of listeners, accept the success that was waiting there to be had and just in general enjoy being appreciated for the exact same qualities that made you a freak to your contemporaries in your teens. This was one of the better years.

And now it is coming to a close. It's been kind to us. And that old punkrock golem "The shape of punk to come" has done good. The hatchet is buried, 1998 is not such a terrible memory for us anymore. We're going home. And we're doing it in style.

With old friends and new acquaintances in tow we're gonna take over our old hometown Umeå for one more night, just because we can. On the 15th of december at the Exel arena we'll be sharing the stage with these magnificent comrades: Randy (, a band of punkrock bandidos from the north who we befriended years before we even were Refused, Two White Horses, an excellent sister/brother-duo from Sävar, both of whom we've individually collaborated with in different musical projects through the years, and Råd Kjetil Senza Testa, a new and exciting musical collective consisting of old Umeå pop and hardcore scenesters, among them the guy who produced the very first version of New noise for a local hardcore compilation in early 1997. We unconditionally endorse these bands.

Great music, good crude fun, what more do you need? It's going to be one of those nights.

Thank you for populating the pit in 2012.

Over and out.

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via Refused FB Fan Page.

Lösen die sich wieder auf?

29.10.2012 07:53

war doch von anfang an klar!
dennis hat gesagt sie wollen die tour für the shape of punk to come nachholen, das haben die gemacht...

29.10.2012 11:04

Können mir nach dem ring auch gerne gestohlen bleiben, hatte mich eig auf sie gefreut und im endeffekt waren sie mit abstand am schwächsten auf der center am samstag!

Auch wenn ich mir jetzt mit sicherheit was anhören darf

09.05.2014 22:07

Refused goes Orchestra

Här kan ni lyssna på hur det låter då vi, Refused alltså, äntligen tog steget rakt in i finrummen och vart dom där kulturskatterna som vi alltid strävat efter att bli.
Tonsätter Jonas Nydesjö har använt den där sista plattan för att göra ett nytt verk som heter Shape In Shambles. Man kan säga att det är nåt helt annat.
So this is Refused broken into pieces and put together by swedish composer Jonas Nydesjö. It is called Shape in Shambles and it is being perfomed by the Umeå Symphony orchestra. Hopefully this will be available outside of Sweden!

Englische Übersetzung (Facebook)
Here you can listen to how it sounds when we, therefore, finally Refused took the plunge straight into the fine rooms and where they where cultural treasures we have always strived to be.
Tons steel Jonas Nydesjö have used the last plate to make a new work called Shape Into Shambles. You could say that it is something else entirely.
So this is Refused, broken into pieces and put together by swedish composer Jonas Nydesjö. It is called Shape in Shambles and it is being perfomed by the Umeå Symphony orchestra. Hopefully this will be available outside of Sweden!

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Wusste nicht, wo ich das sonst hinpacken sollte.

29.11.2018 21:22·  Bearbeitet

Machen auch wieder was. Neben Festivals u.a. als ziemlich cooles Package mit den Hives auf US Tour. Vielleicht ja auch hier bald...

Icon1PlugInBaby gefällt das
21.03.2024 19:42

Haben heute ihr Facebook Profile geupdated.

Vielleicht ist ja aufgefallen, dass man vergessen hat das 25 jährige von Shape of Punk to Come vergessen hat zu feiern

21.03.2024 23:04

Spielen Mitte Juni ihr letztes schwedisches Festival EverSmiley
Kommt dann wenn wohl nur eine Abschiedstour

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