Southbound Festival 2011
Southbound Festival 2011

Southbound Festival 2011

Vorbei01.01.2011 - 03.01.2011 / BusseltonAU
Interpol, The National, Public EnemyUVM
Southbound Festival ist ein Rock, Pop und Indie Festival, das vom 01.01.2011 bis 03.01.2011 in Busselton in der Nähe von Bunbury und Perth (AU) stattgefunden hat. Das Festival wurde von ca. 25.000 Zuschauern besucht. Tickets kosteten ab AUD 125,00. Die Top-Acts waren Interpol, The National und Public Enemy. Darüber hinaus waren The Cool Kids, Edan The Dee-Jay, Boy And Bear, Paul Kelly, World's End Press, Children Collide und viele mehr gebucht.

Southbound Festival fand 2016 zum letzten Mal statt.

Line Up Southbound Festival 2011

Interpol Public Enemy The National UVM

6s And 7s
Angus And Julia Stone
Ash Grunwald
Big Scary
Birds Of Tokyo
Bliss N Eso
Boom Bap Pow
Boy And Bear
Carus Thompson
Charlie Parr
Children Collide
Chris Baio Vampire Weekend
Cloud Control Daara J
Cold War Kids
Dan Kelly
Dan Sultan
Edan The Dee-Jay
Eskimo Joe
Ghost Hotel
Grace Woodroofe
Hot Hot Heat,Interpol
Joan Jett And The Blackhearts
Jonathan Boulet
Kitty Daisy And Lewis
Marina And The Diamonds
Paul Kelly
Sally Seltmann
Scotch Of St James
Sleigh Bells
Split Seconds
Tame Impala
The Bamboos
The Beautiful Girls
The Chemist
The Chevelles
The Cool Kids
The Cuban Brothers
The Growl
The Jezabels
The Living End
The Middle East
The Morning Benders
The Novocaines
The Rapture
The Silents
The Soft Pack
Tijuana Cartel
Tim And Jean
World's End Press
Yacht Club DJs And Young Revelry

6s And 7s
Angus And Julia Stone
Ash Grunwald
Big Scary
Birds Of Tokyo
Bliss N Eso
Boom Bap Pow
Boy And Bear
Carus Thompson
Charlie Parr
Children Collide
Chris Baio Vampire Weekend
Cloud Control Daara J
Cold War Kids
Dan Kelly
Dan Sultan
Edan The Dee-Jay
Eskimo Joe
Ghost Hotel
Grace Woodroofe
Hot Hot Heat,Interpol
Joan Jett And The Blackhearts
Jonathan Boulet
Kitty Daisy And Lewis
Marina And The Diamonds
Paul Kelly
Sally Seltmann
Scotch Of St James
Sleigh Bells
Split Seconds
Tame Impala
The Bamboos
The Beautiful Girls
The Chemist
The Chevelles
The Cool Kids
The Cuban Brothers
The Growl
The Jezabels
The Living End
The Middle East
The Morning Benders
The Novocaines
The Rapture
The Silents
The Soft Pack
Tijuana Cartel
Tim And Jean
World's End Press
Yacht Club DJs And Young Revelry


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