Taste Of Chaos Tour

eröffnet von StonedHammer am 10.03.2005 11:50 Uhr
101 Kommentare - zuletzt von GongoJack

10.03.2005 11:50Admin


quelle visions.de

Die US-Festivaltour 'Taste Of Chaos' wird in diesem Jahr wahrscheinlich auch nach Europa kommen. Headliner sollen The Used sein, nach Abstechern nach Japan, Australien und Großbritannien wird man das Package vermutlich im Herbst auf deutschen Bühnen sehen können


Bands der US-Tour:
Bleed the Dream
Killswitch Engage
My Chemical Romance
Opiate For The Masses
Senses Fail
Static Lullaby
Used, The


10.03.2005 11:58AdminSupporter

woooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaah Smiley

will aaauuuch! dieselbe Liste! nagut, fast! Killswitch Engage, My Chemical Romance, Bleed The Dream, Underoath, The Used auf keinen Fall raus, die andern dürfen durchaus auch bleiben Smiley

10.03.2005 12:12

*nach luft schnapp*

my chemical romance, saosin, senses fail, underoath, the used ..... der hammer!

10.03.2005 12:32

Naja , KSE, MCR, Senses Fail, Underoath und die Used waren ja dieses Jahr schon da ....

10.03.2005 13:46

Bands der US-Tour:
Bleed the Dream Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley
Killswitch Engage Smiley Smiley
My Chemical Romance Smiley Smiley
Opiate For The Masses Smiley
Saosin Smiley
Senses Fail Smiley Smiley
Static Lullaby Smiley Smiley Smiley
Underoath Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley
Used, The Smiley Smiley Smiley

Smiley Smiley

interessant, wer alles dabei is, war ja voll der battle unter den bands!


27.03.2005 11:22

@ Whisk

Maybe I am making a judgement on German emo people, but so far what Ive seen from German people is the same as their US kid counterparts.

It seems that "Emo" is the "in" thing right now and all the kids that want to be different, are all different together right now and are into emo.

You may notice these people by their lame sweatband on one arm, and then their sideways "trucker" hats, studded leather belts, and dickeys.

However these are the same people who had frosted hair and were all into pop a few years ago, and then Goth a few years before that. It might not be the same person, but it is the same "group" of people. Ohhhh we are so different from society .. kids wanting to be different but yet they are different the same way their friends are .. and that they go pick up "anti-trendy" clothes at a store in the Mall.

What I am saying is that I dont trust these to be "real" people, who go to these concerts and they have "polluted" the punk music that I love with acts such as Avril Lavigne .. Who is not punk, not even rock its just crap.

So when these "sissy" bands for girls call their concert tour "A Taste of Chaos" I can only laugh .. because obviously they have never been to a Mayhem or Cannibal Corpse concert to see actual chaos. Of course these little kiddles would be scared to go to such a concert. Oh yeah one last thing, I think that most of the people into death metal are just as fake as emo people, but Ill take an insane Death metal concert over a concert with a bunch of little girls any day.

That is all.

I just say if you talk big .. live it .. and I dont like trendy people that really have to buy all the latest accessories to get attention.

Oh yes, Im sorry for making such a long post in English, it seems that my english talking is getting annoying to some people, but dont worry I am going to cut back participation here.

27.03.2005 18:25

well, i dunno...i think you might be right...but for myself i can say i love emo (eg the taste of chaos bands) but i also know what REAL chaos means (like cannibal corpse and other bands you mentioned) i think you're quiet right...most of these emo kiddies got emo, cause it's trendy now ... but you cannot say that all people who listen to that kind of music are totally influenced by the media or anything else, which/who says, you have to be emo to be cool an "anti-society" and all that

it s ok, that you don t like this kind of music, but do not judge ALL emo kids Smiley

btw its not annoying to read/write english!!![addsig]

27.03.2005 18:31

yeah, it's not annoying.
you are right, i (and i think all the others) can see this in their scene at home. but anyway, even if there are these trendy kids, i don't care, i just want to have a nice concert day!

28.03.2005 21:28


RiotGrrrrl schrieb:
kemi schrieb:
ich war da und wollte weg Smiley

wie jetz? *ggg*

War dort und die Bands haben leider nich ueberzeugt. Vielleicht lag's auch an der venue, aber bin waehrend der letzten Band (the used) gegangen. MCR waren zum Glueck nach sechs songs runter von der Buehne...aber KE haben mich entschaedigt!!

29.03.2005 17:44

Ich hab MCR live gesehen, war großartig, KSE auch, The Used leider nicht, aber die find ich trotzdem äußerst dufte...

und du assi hast das in usa gesehen, hell yeah ^^

29.03.2005 21:50


whisk schrieb:
Ich hab MCR live gesehen, war großartig, KSE auch, The Used leider nicht, aber die find ich trotzdem äußerst dufte...

und du assi hast das in usa gesehen, hell yeah ^^

ja, ich assi...werd MCR wohl auch auf der Vans Warped tour sehen, mal sehen ob sie dort uberzeugen, geb ihnen noch eine Chance Smiley
Fand the used auch gut, bis ich den live sound gehoert habe. Aber kann auch an der Venue liegen, hab dort noch kein anderes Konzert gesehen

04.04.2005 15:47

Hab vom Used Gig in der LMH in Köln nicht schlechtes über den sound gehört ^^
